
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Ed's World #14: JJ Lahey Swings by to Talk 2020
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
JJ Lahey has been a guest numerous times over on The No Gimmicks Podcast. I reached out to him because we both avidly enjoy the Green Bay Packers, and we were able to find some time to talk the issues of the week
Make sure to swing over to JJ's Twitter and say hi
Look back at my past articles: https://autoworkerslim.blogspot.com/
Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/edsblogtw1tter
I'm on Gab: https://gab.ai/edsblogtwitter
Email Me: edsblogtwitter@gmail.com
Podcast Art by Jake from Freedom Scoop

Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Ed's World #13: The Wonderful Matt Christiansen
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
An episode that's been a year in the making (mostly on me) has finally come to pass. Matt Christiansen is a Vlogger and Podcaster, and one of the most willing creators to give back to his fans. He came by to grace the guest panel this week and we talked AOC and 2020. Make sure you check out his stuff
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MLChristiansen
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxeY-wRrb65Jt37QHa5xMog
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/KRPUeaPLmJQM/
And of course, Stop by and visit his shiny new webpage: https://www.mattchristiansenmedia.com/
Look back at my past articles: https://autoworkerslim.blogspot.com/
Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/edsblogtw1tter
I'm on Gab: https://gab.ai/edsblogtwitter
Email Me: edsblogtwitter@gmail.com
Podcast Art by Jake from Freedom Scoop
Thanks again, Matt, for stopping by. It's been a year in the making and I appreciate your patience

Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Ed's World #12: Brian Comes By and Rants with Me
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
I've Known Brian for a good decade, and he knows quite a bit about what's going on out there. Our conversations about the issues have always entertained the other people in the bar, so we decided to record one. We talked Mueller, 2020, Jussie and more.
Look back at my past articles: https://autoworkerslim.blogspot.com/
Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/edsblogtw1tter
I'm on Gab: https://gab.ai/edsblogtwitter
Email Me: edsblogtwitter@gmail.com

Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Ed's World #11: Mackenzie Drew the Lucky Week
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Whether you think it's a good thing or a bad thing to have to talk about the Mueller Report, Mackenzie got on that week. We talked about the infamous report, and then we took time to talk about 2020, AOC, Smollett, and more. Plus we got a really hot take about paid family leave
Go find my wonderful guest:
Look back at my past articles: https://autoworkerslim.blogspot.com/
Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/edsblogtw1tter
I'm on Gab: https://gab.ai/edsblogtwitter
Email Me: edsblogtwitter@gmail.com

Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
Ed's World #10: Hide Your Gimmicks, It's Brady Leonard
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
The Microphone has tried to defeat us BUT WE WILL PRESS ON!! I had Brady Leonard from the No Gimmicks Podcast swing by and we talked a couple of major topics in this abbreviated episode. We talked the aftermath of Christchurch and the media reaction, and then we had a talk about Coulter and the religion of MAGA
Go check Brady out!! Do it. The No Gimmicks Podcast on iTunes and Google Play
Southbound Fearing on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sbfearing
Look back at my past articles: https://autoworkerslim.blogspot.com/
Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/edsblogtw1tter
I'm on Gab: https://gab.ai/edsblogtwitter
Email Me: edsblogtwitter@gmail.com

Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
Ed's World #9: The Adventist Millennial Weighs In
Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
This week I had the opportunity to discuss current events with Emily, from the Adventist Millennial Podcast. She admits herself that her expertise is not on politics, but culture instead, but she offered a great perspective on the Mueller Report, our upcoming election, and much, much more.
Be sure to keep up with Emily:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sdamillennial/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SDAMillennial
YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3MVXnTKNqCXulowvRV8GNA
Podcast: https://adventistmillennial.podbean.com/
Look back at my past articles: https://autoworkerslim.blogspot.com/
Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/edsblogtw1tter
I'm on Gab: https://gab.ai/edsblogtwitter
Email Me: edsblogtwitter@gmail.com

Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
Ed's World #8: Stephen Ignoramus Covers the Heavy Stuff
Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
Stephen Ignoramus came by this week and we talked about what was going on in the country, and we even got the chance to talk a bit about some issues abroad that might become an issue for our country down the world. Stephen does a daily livestream, and if you like Ed's World, you should be watching it.
Stephen's Links
Look back at my past articles: https://autoworkerslim.blogspot.com/
Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/edsblogtw1tter
I'm on Gab: https://gab.ai/edsblogtwitter
Email Me: edsblogtwitter@gmail.com
Find us on audio here: https://edsblogtwitter.podbean.com/e/eds-world-7-jen-the-libertarian-joins-the-show/
Or look for Ed's World wherever you get your podcasts

Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Ed's World #7. Jen The Libertarian Joins the Show
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
This week, Jen the Libertarian stopped by Ed's World in a week who's news cycle literally turned on it's heels at the last second possible. While we both remain fairly serious in our solo work, we were able to tell a lot of jokes and have a lot of laughs as we discussed the important topics, and I even got her take on Libertarianism around the world
Jen on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jenniferm_q
Here is a list of everywhere you can listen to Jen's solo work, stolen directly from her pinned tweet
Look back at my past articles: https://autoworkerslim.blogspot.com/
Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/edsblogtw1tter
I'm on Gab: https://gab.ai/edsblogtwitter
Email Me: edsblogtwitter@gmail.com

Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
Ed's World #6: Wyatt Berckenhoff discusses Amazon
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
Wyatt is a new YouTuber who has some ambitious ideas about a new program. He came by Ed's world this week to discuss Emergency powers and the budget, Amazon, McCabe and more
Wyatt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RoundTableIB
Wyatt's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCztF2l5ex4SOgWwi-qYBUkA/featured?view_as=subscriber
Podcast Artwork courtesy of Jake From Freedom Scoop
Referenced Material
Actual Justice Warrior Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bbdT0X8sL0&frags=pl%2Cwn
Body Language Ghost Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yv9p36pmXuc&frags=pl%2Cwn

Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
Ed's World #5: Jake, From Freedom Scoop, Talks Cortez and 2020
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
Jake, who is the Editor for Freedom Scoop, stopped by this week to talk about the Green New Deal, Cortez putting her foot in her mouth in front of Congress, the Presidential field for 2020 and more!
Follow Jake on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RealJake1776
Freedom Scoop: http://freedomscoop.com/
Freedom Scoop on Gab: https://gab.ai/FreedomScoop